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Missing NY Pastor Found in an Ohio Strip Club

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RIVERSIDE, Ohio - Police say a pastor who was reported missing from his home in western New York has been found at an Ohio strip club.

A police officer patrolling the K.C. Lounge parking lot Friday morning in the Dayton suburb of Riverside spotted out-of-state license plates on 46-year-old Craig Rhodenizer's car. [Source]

Looks like another Man of God was found doing something that he shouldn't be doing. The funny thing is why did he drive all the way to Ohio to go to a strip club? So here are my thoughts, if this was any other person it wouldn't make news, but since he is a Pastor its in the headlines. Should it make a difference, just because he is a pastor should he be held to a higher level of scrutiny, or is it because he is a pastor that he would be held to a higher standard or morality than the rest of us? Part of me is torn on this because part of me says that yes this pastor needs to be held to a higher standard than the rest of us but the other part know that we are only human and will make mistakes. This is a hard one...what do you think?

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