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Avenue Q

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Well I just got back from seeing Avenue Q and I have to say it was hilarious. This show was great. If you don't know about the show, here is the premise.

AVENUE Q is the story of Princeton, a bright-eyed college grad who comes to New York City with big dreams and a tiny bank account. He soon discovers that the only neighborhood in his price range is Avenue Q; still, the neighbors seem nice. There's Brian the out-of-work comedian and his therapist fianceƩ Christmas Eve; Nicky the good-hearted slacker and his roommate Rod -- a Republican investment banker who seems to have some sort of secret; an Internet addict called Trekkie Monster; and a very cute kindergarten teaching assistant named Kate. And would you believe the building's superintendent is Gary Coleman?!? (Yes, that Gary Coleman.) Together, Princeton and his newfound friends struggle to find jobs, dates, and their ever-elusive purpose in life.[Source]

This play was excellent, I didn't stop laughing the whole time I was watching. From songs such as, "If You Were Gay," "The Internet is for Porn," and seeing puppets having sex, this was a non stop laugh out loud musical. I would certainly go see it again. Check out below I was able to find the internet is for porn song on youtube.

2 Your Thoughts:
Brandon said...
April 20, 2008 at 11:11 PM  

The guys who wrote Avenue Q also wrote the musical episode of Scrubs. In fact, the woman in the video you posted is the character who that episode revolves around.

Michael said...
April 20, 2008 at 11:19 PM  

I know, I love that episode, I had to download it when they released it to itunes. I will say it was a great show.

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