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Bottoms Bear Message

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ANN ARBOR, Mich. - Thirteen members of a high school lacrosse team have been disciplined for baring their bottoms on which was written a prom invitation from one player to a girl. Carolyn Campbell, a senior at Huron High School, accepted the invitation to go to the prom with fellow senior Kristoff Wennersten. The varsity lacrosse players displayed the question, "Will You Go To The Prom With Me? Yes or No?" on their bottoms, which they bared during a junior varsity game last Thursday. Officials suspended the 13 players for an undetermined number of games and ordered them to perform 20 hours of community service. They also were suspended from school for one day. "Inappropriate is inappropriate," school athletic director Dottie Davis told The Ann Arbor News. "It disrespects women, and that's the clear message we need to have the students understand — what may be fun to them isn't necessarily fun to everyone else." [Source]

So do you believe that these student should be suspended? Part of me says yes and another part says no. First of all they didn't hurt anybody, but they did show themselves inappropriately. This one is a hard one, yeah it was done in good fun, but you can't just go and show your bum to the whole world and not expect to get in trouble for it. What's your thoughts?

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