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Hopes and Dreams...

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"I just love the idea of working in a bikini," said Morales, who said she is now reduced to working at a bikini bar in the Westchester town of Ossining. "It was my dream job." [Source]

What can I say here...my dream job...I pray that when my daughter becomes an adult that she will have more aspirations then to work at a restaurant as a bikini waitress. So I guess it would be my goal in life to make sure that my daughter doesn't grow up wanting to do this. But who am I to say this isn't a true dream. It just seems to me that someone would have higher dreams then this.

For those of you who don't know this story. The women to the right here was trying to get a job at Times Square's Hawaiian Tropic Zone. As you can see she is qualified to work in this restaurant. Yet the Hawaiian Tropic zone would not give her the position.

"We will not hire you because you have a speech problem," a Hawaiian Tropic Zone manager told Morales, according to her million-dollar Manhattan Supreme Court discrimination lawsuit. "You have a Latin accent. You don't speak white."

Discrimination was the sole reason she didn't get a job, says Morales, a 21-year-old Upper West Sider whose father is Puerto Rican and mother is Dominican. On repeated trips to the restaurant, waitresses would tell her they were hiring, she said. But managers would always tell her there were no openings. Finally, in a June phone call overheard by her mother, managers named "Rick" and "Frank" spilled the truth, the lawsuit alleges. "You are ghetto," Frank allegedly told her. Morales concedes she has a Latin accent. But as a US citizen - New York-born and raised - she says her English is fine. Besides, it had been her dream, she says, to carry plates of the restaurant's signature crispy-chicken lollipops and hung beef while wearing a bikini and sarong. [source]

So here is to you, I hope you succeed at your dreams.

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