Teacher Arrested for Doing Naughty Things With Stduents
Looks like another teacher was arrested for doing naughty things with students. Mary Jo Spack; a 45 year old teacher at Freedom High School in Tampa, was arrested and charged with having sex with a student. Investigators said that Spack took two male students, ages 17 and 18, to a liquor store and then to a motel. At the motel they met up with 3 others students where they all drank together. Laura McElroy, Tampa police spokeswoman stated that "They over heard the sex in the bathroom, and then saw the student and teacher walk out of the bathroom soaking wet." Many parent and students are shocked this being the second arrest in the past week from Hillsborough County Schools. The first arrest was from a 28 year old Stephanie Ragusa who was charged with having sexual relations with a 14 year old student at Davidsen Middle School. Police have charged Spack with one count of unlawful sex with a minor, and two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. [Source]
I guess this brings a whole new meaning of sex education in the school system. But honestly, this is getting old. You would think that people would know that they will get caught. I mean look at all the others the have been caught, all for what, just to get your jollies from a 17 year old...or even 14 as we see, sometimes it makes me wonder what is going threw their minds...
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