Well it seems like we are in the season of comic book movies. With all the movies that have come out and all the movies that will be out it is clear that comics made to movies is the one thing people are looking for. Now with that said there has been some great movies, one of which was Iron Man. Now it looks like they have another comic book coming to the big screen in 2009. Witchblade, which was created by Top Cow editors Marc Silvestri and David Wohl, writers Brian Haberlin and Christina Z, and artist Michael Turner. They made a T.V. show out of it and it ran for 2 season. Now I never watched the t.v. series, but I have a seen a few of the comics, and if they do this right this could be another great movie. For those of you who don't know what the witchblade is, check it out here. Below is the movie poster that was just released, and from the poster it looks like it could be a good movie, but then again, there have been some awesome movies posters and really crappy movies...so we will see.
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