Working on the Homestead
And again the sun sets on another one of my days off. reflecting back on the past couple of days I find that I never have enough time to one, get some rest, two get things done around the house, and three, time for my photography. I spent Friday evening nursing an upset stomach that I had. I did however get a chance to play catch with my old man. I haven't done that since I believe I was 15 years old. Saturday was spent working around the house trying to get some things done. One of which was to paint my front door and shutters. After picking up the paint and painting the door and shutters I found that the paint instead of being a cranberry was more like a deep reminds me of grimice from MCd's. So now that I have a purple monster of a door and shutters I have decided that I must now repaint them in the previous color thus wasting anytime I spent on the house this weekend. Now having the adventure on Saturday, I had to help my dad with installing new railing on his deck on Sunday. luckily everything went without a hitch and I headed home at a fairly decent time. Now I forgot to mention that my wife worked all weekend and we were really two ships passing in the night. She did get put on call for Sunday though and I ended up dragging her around to take pictures Sunday evening. Now the sad thing was I ended up only getting one day of rest which was today...only to jump right back into the grind tomorrow with work and babysitting. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I will just look forward to next weekend and look forward to not having a purple door. I hope that everybody had a relaxing long weekend.
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