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Mii and Bowling with my Grandmother

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So today I spent the evening playing the Wii with my grandmother who is 78 years old. I was told that she loves to play bowling, so I brought my Wii over so that we could play a few games. Little did I know she is a pro at this. After the first two strikes I knew I was in for a lesson. The first game went by with her bowling a 157 and myself doing terrible with a 139. Now up to this point my mother and grandmother both told me that she had only played the Wii 4 or 5 times, but I think they have a racket going; needless to say I had to come out in the second game strong. I did so respectfully with a strike, only to have her answer with her own. She continued to keep up with me the second game until I ecked a small lead and ended with a 158 and her a 137. Sadly I was unable to play a tie breaker as my baby was fussing and needed to go home (...good timing). So tomorrow will be the decider of who is the bowling champ. The funny thing was when I was walking out the door, she told me that "don't worry I'll beat you tomorrow." So I have to say it is on grandma! Also to my aunt...how much time have you really given her on the Wii? I have to say that she is either really lucky or just darn good. Till tomorrow!

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